Wednesday, 6 March 2013

SKDC announce results of Parking Survey...

.. but it is not good news.

SKDC have just published the results of the parking survey:

It is not good news as it shows that there was not enough support to proceed with a scheme in any of the zones. Even when they looked at the results on an individual street level there were too few people willing to pay for a scheme to make it work economically.
We are very disappointed that SKDC deemed the scheme did not meet its specific criteria, but not totally surprised given:
  • the increase in size of the zones consulted, and
  • people who did not respond were assumed to be against the proposal
  • this stacked the outcome against us.

We have asked SKDC for the detailed results, but we have not yet seen them.
This does not remove the issue for residents; indeed there are individual streets where the majority are in favour of a scheme. SKDC have decided these are too small to be cost effective, but not said anything about what they intend to do instead.
We now need SKDC and LCC to reconsider our original proposal - a waiver exempting residents from the 1 and 2 hour restrictions. This has the advantage of being much simpler (and cheaper) to implement. The temporary arrangement already in place shows that this is legally possible and, as these are already in use, do not impact materially on the available parking. We would like SKDC to show their support in making this happen.
We would also like clarification from SKDC about what they are doing for residents in their off-street car parks. Why can’t this be done for free, as in Bourne?
The only ‘good’ news is that SKDC have confirmed that the season tickets and waivers will last until at  least the end of May.

Our best action now is for everyone to let our LCC councillors know what we want:

Cllr John Hicks
Cllr David Brailsford
Martin Trollope-Bellew

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