Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The view from the east side of Stamford

75 households in St Leonard's Street and Brazenose Lane have indicated their support for the following proposal:

"The Lincolnshire County Council should issue a single permit to each household in St Leonard’s Street and Brasenose Lane that has no access to off-street parking on their property. This permit would exempt the vehicle in which it is displayed from the two-hour parking limit. Any household wishing to have additional permits should be able to purchase them at a reasonable cost."


  1. An adjoining street, Cherry Holt Road, which is not a through street and is used by residents when they can't park nearer their properties has just been changed from unrestricted parking to no daytime parking at all and limited overnight parking. Clearly this makes our plight worse.

  2. Further to my earlier comment, it appears that the yellow lines on Cherry Holt Road were paid for by the developer that is building a 45 home gated community on the old Bowman's site. The gated community will have its own off-street parking, so why the need drastically to restrict parking along this road?


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