Sunday, 30 October 2011

"Residents are reassured over parking plans" reports Stamford Mercury

On Friday 28th October, Stamford Mercury reported:-
Residents have been reassured that they will have somewhere to park if parking wardens are introduced.
Leader of South Kesteven District Council Linda Neal said the district council would look to bring in a residents (sic) parking scheme policy if Lincolnshire County Council takes control of parking powers as planned.

The county council is the last in the country which has not taking on (sic) parking powers from the police.
If its plans are approved by the Department for Transport, the county council will be responsible for issuing parking fines from June.
But residents in Stamford are concerned they would be penalised for parking outside their own homes if two-hour time limits were enforced.
Coun Neal (Con) said: "The process for determining the introduction of resident parking schemes is incorporated in the parking policy which has recently been subject to public consultation and is in the process of being adopted by Lincolnshire County Council. Should the draft parking policy be approved by the county council we will of ourse develop our own local residents' parking scheme policy."
The district council was unable to clarify what form of parking scheme would be brought in at this stage.
The comments were made after Linconshire county councillor David Brailsford (Con) raised residents' concerns at a highways scrutiny meeting on Monday.
Coun Brailsford said the county council could not introduce a scheme for South Kesteven and not the rest of the county.
A permit scheme exists in Lincoln but the city council pays police to enforce it.
Coun Brailsford said: "The county council will proactively engage with the district council with a view to implementing a form of parking permits for town residents."
Richard Cleaver, of St Leonard's Street, Stamford, is one of the residents who has raised concerns about parking.
He said: "I am delighted the county council has responded to the strength of public opinion. We now look forward to acting as a further catalyst to ensure the county and district councils work together to bring in an inexpensive permit scheme."...

full story at


  1. If Nick Boles has not been involved in this, it may be worth attending one of his surgeries to raise our concerns with him. The next one in Stamford is Friday 11th November - 5pm to 7pm at the Arts Centre.
    From his perspective, this campaign would be an excellent example of the Big Society in action.

  2. call Andrea Webster on 01529 241507 to book an appointment


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