Friday, 31 August 2012

SKDC is about to reveal all .......?

The SKDC officer in charge of parking policy has just told us the following:-

Thursday, 30 August 2012


What would be the most effective ways to protest against SKDC's totally inadequate response to our requests for a permit scheme to be brought in before parking enforcement begins later this year?

We've already asked people to consider a picket of the next SKDC Cabinet meeting on 1st October, but please add your comments below about the sort of protests you think we should be considering....

Monday, 27 August 2012

The Latest from South Kesteven District Council

In an email to one of the campaigners in central Stamford on 21 August, SKDC Leader Mrs Neal said:

Friday, 24 August 2012

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

SKDC - Your council NOT working for you

The St Peter's Community Group has also made it clear to SKDC that a permit parking scheme for residents is essential and strongly supported.  Cllr Linda Neal met with us in 2009 to discuss this, so it is hard to believe that in 2012 we are apparently no nearer getting a scheme because appropriate action has not been taken, and the likelihood is that this will not happen until after CPE comes in. It is impossible to get a response from SKDC to what appear very straightforward questions about progress on this matter - why is the council so inept?