Monday, 26 September 2011

Residents' Parking in Louth

Louth has the only Residents' Parking Scheme in the county which is administered by the County Council. Since its introduction the County Council has changed its policy and says that future schemes must be run by District Councils.
If you are affected by the Louth scheme, please add a comment to share your experiences with us. Thanks.

Residents' Parking in Grantham

We understand that there was once a Resident's Permit Scheme in Grantham, but that it was abandoned as people were unwilling to pay the fee. Is this true?
If you are concerned about this issue in Grantham, please add a comment to tell us more.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

The view from the heart of Stamford

We have lived in central Stamford for nearly 30 years and for 25 of those have been pressing for residents' parking, either through neighbourhood groups or by letters to councillors or officers. It seems that the buck has always been passed and no one was prepared to take up the cause. We have survived because of understanding shown by a traffic warden and also the police, but there is considerable hostility from officials whose stance appears to be: "Why did you buy a property without off-street parking if you have a vehicle to park?" Of course, there are hundreds of such properties within central Stamford and many of the owners or tenants have vehicles, because they depend on them for getting to work, visiting relatives, carting children about, trips and holidays. It is extremely expensive to purchase season tickets for long-stay car parks, and where we live is too far from such a car park to make this practicable. Also there is a history of cars being vandalised on these car parks. We have tried to rent a council garage but these, too, are so far away from where we live, that this is simply not an option. In addition, council garages are so small that only the smallest vehicles fit in them at all. There is not enough space to store the bikes that would give a means of getting home from the garage, and besides, this is not officially allowed.

We are told that residents' parking can only be considered as an option once CPE is in force, and even that will require considerable political input. What we are not told is what we are expected to do with our vehicles in the interim. Sell them? Scrap them? Park them somewhere on streets without restricted parking? The cars will not simply disappear! There could be a campaign of everyone simply refusing to pay any fines levied or to refuse payment of council tax until the matter is resolved.

Very important is that the councils involved are made aware of the contribution that residents make to the economy of the towns where they live. If they can park their cars safely near their homes, these people will use the local shops and services on foot, without adding either congestion or pollution to the roads or clogging up car parks. If they have to move their cars elsewhere, they may as well shop out of town or use services in other places. Stamford is a market town with an unusually high number of residents living, and often also working within the historic core or nearby. This contributes to the liveliness, economy and safety of the town centre. However, because of Stamford's historic layout, many of the houses are terraced, front the street and have neither rear access nor gardens at the front or rear. The people in them rely on on-street parking in order to be able to live there, and this is why a residents' parking scheme is overdue, necessary and a top priority to be organised alongside CPE. It is time the substantial number of residents' voices are heard and action taken to give them support.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Need for Residents' Parking in Stamford

Stamford Action for Residents' Parking (Starp) is a group of people from different parts of Stamford who have been lobbying for residents' parking - unsuccessfully - for several years. Only Lincoln and Louth seem to have successfully argued the case for residents' parking in the county.

With Civil Parking Enforcement on the horizon we need a means of persuading our county and district councils that they are being unreasonable in refusing to consider our requests for a permit parking scheme. Lincolnshire CC's draft parking policy currently out for consultation doesn't help as it places all the budget burden for running a permit scheme on the district councils (

What evidence or arguments really work?

The current situation in summary...

Enforcement of on-street parking regulations is planned to transfer from the Lincolnshire Police to the Lincolnshire County Council next year.

Lincolnshire County Council is adamant that it will not run any Residents' Parking Schemes - it will only agree to allow schemes to be run by District Councils...

...My own District Council, the SKDC, is not willing to run any Residents' Parking Schemes.

Many residents would like a residents' scheme to operate in their neighbourhood, but nobody seems to be listening.

What is happening elsewhere in Lincolnshire? Please add to the blog to let us know.

I hope this blog will help to take this issue forward across the County

I've started this forum... allow better and easier comunication between all those interested in Residents' Parking in Lincolnshire. I look forward to it becoming a useful forum to help take the issue forward.